
 "H – Schritte in schwarzen Räumen" a short film by Diego Tortelli e Miria Wurm free online

 "H – Schritte in schwarzen Räumen" a short film by Diego Tortelli e Miria Wurm free online

Diego Tortelli and Miria Wurm will be present their short film H – Schritte in schwarzen Räumen, which pays tribute to one of the greats of German choreography: Raimund Hoghe. H – Schritte in schwarzen Räumen will be released with free admission on their online portal at starting July 9.

Fascinated by his unique aesthetic and clarity of expression, Tortelli & Wurm enter into the black spaces Hoghe created, exploring them for themselves while always remembering him and keeping in mind this iconic perspective, which lets details speak for a whole.

They follow his motto: throw your own body into the fight! Tortelli, who has been working solely as a choreographer for many years, returns to the stage – or rather, the screen – for this project. He draws on the knowledge and experience of his dancer's body, while also using the body of his dramaturg, Miria Wurm, as a quote in the film. The idiosyncratic sound language of AGF/poemproducer undercuts and comments on the action.

The choreographer Diego Tortelli and the dramaturge Miria Wurm, both members of Munich’s independent dance scene, have been developing projects together since 2018. Their artistic language and aesthetics are characterised by clarity and complexity, both in terms of choreographic style and the subject matter of their works. Drawing on cutting-edge technologies and theoretical concepts, they create contemporary dance pieces that reflect on current issues from a personal perspective. Pivotal to each piece is Tortelli’s very own choreographic idiom, which splits the body into its various limbs and joints and then reassembles them over and over again like a game of Tetris. The torso remains the fixed point around which everything revolves, as if calculated by geometric formulas – at times playful and surreal, at others architectural and rigid. The body is revealed in all its beauty and artistry, but also its fragility and brokenness. Traces of bodily memories are brought to light through a process of poetic abstraction.

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