About us
Founded in Milan in 1986, Danza&Danza is the Italian leading magazine about the world of dance. Published bimonthly by DNZ media, editor in chief Maria Luisa Buzzi, DANZA&DANZA magazine is the first born of a current platform of media devoted to the international dancescape. Danza&Danza magazine, in Italian, is edited in two editions: the printed paper and digital. The printed edition is distributed and all over Italy in newsstands and at La Scala Shop in Teatro alla Scala, Milan, or by subscriptions (Italy and abroad); the digital edition is purchasable - single issue or annual subscription - on the App (iOS and Google Play). DANZA&DANZA International – only in digital edition oh the App - is the latest arrival in the DNZ media family. In English language, it is coinceived for the international readers with news, features, topics, culture from all over the world. Daily news and updated information about artists and events, interview, reviews and multimedia contents appear on the web pages of danzaedanza.com(Italian and English languages).
The content of Danza&Danza and www.danzaedanzaweb.com is copyrighted and may not be freely reproduced in any mediam whatsoever, includng on the internet.
Editorial board
Maria Luisa Buzzi
Editorial enquiries
Multimedia content
Francesca Pedroni
Art Director
Walter Almici
- Alma Torretta
- Azzurra Di Meco
- Carmelo A. Zapparrata
- Catherine Pawlick
- Elisabetta Ceron
- Francesca Pedroni
- Giuseppe Distefano
- Isabelle Calabre
- Jeannette Andersen
- Maggie Foyer
- Roberto Giambrone
- Sergio Trombetta
- Xiao Huang
Catherine Salbashian
Joelle Williams
Advertising Manager/Subscriptions/PR
Sara Prandoni
Ph. +39 328 7060717
Website Designer
Monica Zanatta
DNZ media
DANZA&DANZA magazine
DANZA&DANZA International
Sede legale: Piazzale Libia 4
20135 MILANO
P. I. 08271360961
ph. +39 02 96844730
PEC danzaedanza@legalmail.it
In loving memory of Mario Bedendo, founder of the magazine; Mario Pasi, Danza&Danza senior editor 1987-2010; Luigi Rossi, Danza&Danza magazine co-founder and pillar till 1998; Domenico Rigotti, dear companion in literary adventures from 1986 till 2014; Giannandrea Poesio, D&D London correspondent from 1987 till 2017; to Silvia Poletti, pillar of this magazine from the first issues until the first issue of 2024 and deputy director of the International edition.